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Unlock Potential & Nurturing Success


Phase I: Market Analysis and Positioning

Duration: 3 months


  • Pass preliminary selection

  • Provide required quantity of samples

  • Need to sign contract


These criteria ensure the program is tailored to the specific needs of each brand and that we are able to provide the necessary support and guidance throughout the incubation process.


Objective: To assist brands in analyzing the demand and competitiveness of their products in the Chinese market, and to determine their readiness to enter the market.


Background Information on the Chinese Market

In the Chinese market, consumer demand is diverse and rapidly changing, and market competition is fierce. We will conduct in-depth analysis and research on related market segment. Help brand understand its characteristics, trends, and opportunities.


Focus Group Insights

In this section, we conduct focus groups with real Chinese consumers, KOLs, and distributors to gather insights on their perceptions of the brand and products, and its competitors. We use these insights to inform our market positioning recommendations and identify potential areas for improvement.

Key Deliverables


Compatibility Analysis of Brand with the Chinese Market

In this section, we assess the fit of the brand with the Chinese market by examining factors such as cultural resonance, consumer preferences, and market trends. We identify potential challenges and opportunities for the brand in the Chinese market.


The Brand Positioning Spectrum

In this section, we develop a brand positioning spectrum that outlines the brand's current position in the Chinese market and identifies potential positioning options. We consider factors such as the brand's unique selling proposition, target audience, and competitive landscape.



Competitor Analysis

In this section, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the brand's competitors in the Chinese market. We examine their market share, product offerings, pricing strategies, marketing tactics, and brand positioning. This analysis helps the brand understand its competitive landscape and identify areas for differentiation.


Practical Strategies for Entering the Chinese Market

In this section, we provide practical strategies for the brand to enter the Chinese market. We consider factors such as market entry mode, distribution channels, pricing strategies, marketing tactics, and regulatory requirements. Our goal is to provide the brand with a comprehensive roadmap for success in the Chinese market.

Flower Shadow

Have some thoughts?

Ready to embark on a transformative journey for your brand? Our incubation program offers a tailored path to success, combining strategic insights, hands-on support, and a dedicated team passionate about fostering growth. Contact us today, and let's shape the future of your brand together.

Phase II: Brand Cold Start

Duration: 12 months


  • Successfully passed Phase I incubation

  • Ready to enter the Chinese market

  • Need to sign contract


Objective: Leveraging our expertise and experience, help the brand successfully conduct a cold start in the Chinese market through Phase II of incubation. To effectively communicate the brand's value proposition to Chinese consumers and facilitate the transition from zero to initial sales.


Brand Value Excavation

and Translation

Brand value and product selling points excavation and translation is a crucial step in the the incubation program. It involves delving deeper into the brand's core values and unique selling points and translating them into a messaging that resonates with the Chinese audience.


Marketing Support

We will provide marketing support, including market research, advertising planning, promotional activities, etc., to enhance the brand's awareness and reputation.

Key Deliverables


Market Entry Strategy

Based on the market positioning report from Phase I, we will develop specific market entry strategies, including target market selection and partnership build-up.


Execution Monitoring and Evaluation

We will monitor and evaluate the brand's execution to ensure it meets market demands and expected goals and adjust and optimizations based on market feedback.


Determine Distribution Channels and Pricing Strategy

Our goal is to develop a customized distribution and pricing strategy that positions the brand for success in the competitive Chinese market. We will assist brands in developing appropriate pricing strategies based on market demand, competitor situations, and brand positioning.

Phase III: Long-term Development of the Brand

Duration: 3-5 years


  • Successfully passed Phase II incubation

  • Willing to make necessary adjustments to adapt to the needs of the Chinese market

  • Need to sign a contract


To help brands achieve long-term success in the Chinese market by increasing their market share, competitiveness, and sustainability.


Market Expansion Strategy

Based on the brand's performance in Phase II and market feedback, we will develop a comprehensive market expansion strategy to help the brand grow its market share and reach new customer segments.


Operational Efficiency Improvement

We will provide guidance and support to help the brand improve its operational efficiency and cost structure, enabling it to better compete in the Chinese market. This may include optimizing supply chain management, improving inventory management, and streamlining distribution processes.

Key Deliverables


Brand Building and Reinforcement

We will continue to provide support in building and reinforcing the brand's image and reputation in the Chinese market. This may include developing brand campaigns, engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives, and participating in industry events and trade shows.


Performance Monitoring and Evaluation

We will continue to monitor and evaluate the brand's performance in the Chinese market, providing regular reports and recommendations to help the brand achieve its long-term goals.


Product Innovation and Development

We will work closely with the brand to identify opportunities for product innovation and development that meet the needs and preferences of Chinese consumers. This may include conducting market research, analyzing consumer trends, and providing product development guidance.

Overall, our goal in Phase III is to help the brand achieve long-term success in the Chinese market by providing strategic guidance, operational support, and performance monitoring. We will work closely with the brand to adapt to the evolving needs of the Chinese market and ensure sustainable growth.

Join Our Incubation Programand Grow with Confidence.

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